Friday, November 12, 2010

10 year old Victim

It is with great sadness that I sit here and write to you all. Our dear young Samuel passed away yesterday, a horrible tragedy at 10 years old.

I last saw him on Saturday and he was the worst I had seen him yet, however the nurses assured me and his family ‘he is improving and hope to release him soon.’ They had no reason to say that, especially to give his family that kind of hope when he was no better off than before. He had been off of the IV, yet again, for the previous 4 days. His arm was blocked so they wanted to move the IV to his neck, but they needed to X-ray it first to insert it properly. But the technicians had not come to x-ray him so they simply didn’t give him the IV. He still had an open wound on his stomach and they hadn’t fixed the whole in his intestine, so there is no way he would be released soon. I left on Saturday incredibly helpless and frustrated that the nurses and doctors can sit there all day and not call anybody in to help this poor kid. But the nurses had given his family such positive feedback that they were encouraged he would be released soon and only began to worry how they would pay the hospital bill and take him home. That was the least of my worry leaving.

I received a call on Wednesday saying that he was barely conscious, but had been put on the IV finally. The doctors also diagnosed his initial problem as Typhoid, brought from unclean water and food, however his symptoms don’t match typhoids so I don’t know if I would believe it. The current complications he was experiencing were simply a result of neglect and malnutrition- from the hospital. The woman that called me was desperate to find an immediate solution because she knew if he was left in that condition he would die. And no sooner than 12 hours later was he taken from his miserable state to eternal rest.

My first reaction is pure sadness. Such a small young boy, who had never been ill before and had suffered so much pain in his last weeks of life, nobody should have to do that. My second reaction is frustration and anger. He was completely neglected and not treated properly. If his situation had occurred anyplace else in the world he would have been treated and recovered fine. And if he hadn’t of been treated his family could file a major case of neglect on the hospital and they would be held accountable. But not here. Not among the poorest of the poor. Not in a 3rd world country. Samuel is one of many cases that this neglect happens to. And his story will go unheard just like the last one. The nurses and doctor will continue on with their lives, probably thankful they don’t have to deal with the mzungu who comes in and disturbs their rest asking questions about the patient they are not helping properly.

For young Samuel, I am coming to realize that his death was the best way to help him. He was not cared for or loved properly in his life-- by his family at home or by the doctors. And had he recovered he would have been sent back into the dark slum world trying to fend for himself barely surviving. It saddens me that he was so neglected and let down by the people in his life, but I trust that he is able to rest peacefully with God now. He will not be abandoned or forgotten by God, as none of us are.

I trust he was taken to heaven, but please pray for him, and pray especially for his family. They are already in tough situations lacking hope for their future and this tragedy will hurt them even more. But I know it is possible to bring them back together and make their lives better. Pray also for Kenya and all the places where the poor are exploited and abused on every level and the rich don’t open their eyes to see it and help. Even if you and I are not the wealthiest we are all so blessed in our lives and we have a responsibly to reach out to those who cannot speak up for themselves. Let us rise to the occasion to do something to help those people.
Rest Peacefully, Samuel, pray for the rest of us down here.


  1. OOO that is soo very sad Christie! He was lucky to have you supporting him at the end! I"m sure he's stronger where he is, happier and with God! Such comfort in knowing that!

  2. praying for Samuel and for you, sister. love you dearly. take care of yourself too.
