Sunday, January 30, 2011

22 beautiful years

“22 yrs have gone, 22 beautiful years, completely changed direction in the blink of an eye…and I have no idea what waits for me in this 23rd beautiful year, I don’t know what to expect but I feel like its going to be the best greatest adventure yet.”

Sooo, I feel a bit vain writing about this, but it is my blog, so I guess I can write about what I want! These lyrics are from a songwriter, Kevin Heider (, who graduated from Franciscan University and I love his music- and he sang about his 23rd birthday, which I happened to experience this weekend in Kenya.

I am sure many of you can relate in saying that birthday’s are just not as exciting as you get older. Alix, the other volunteer with me here just turned 23 this week as well so we could relate very much on this issue. The bells and whistles seem to be gone and it is just another year older, with the expectation that you have your life figured out. And that just doesn’t seem to be the case here! I am a bit in denial that I am 23, that seems so old, especially considering I have no idea what the future holds, and I still live with my parents, oh dear! I have loved this year, being in Kenya, traveling, and seeing friends and family, but supposedly I cannot do this forever. I am applying for different jobs after this Kenya adventure has to come to a close in just a couple short months, but I really don’t have any plans. It’s a crazy place to be, having no idea where I will be or what I will be doing. But everyone goes through it, and I think much of it will depend on my outlook. I am deciding not to have any expectations, to just accept everything that comes as a gift, and be thankful. I have led an incredibly exciting and blessed 22 years and I can only hope that it will continue. If anyone has any other wise words, please share them!

On a more fun note, I did get to celebrate my birthday with the beautiful children of Mogra Star. I bought little biscuits to give to the kids, and they had a fun party of singing and dancing to help me celebrate. Usually they pour water all over the birthday person, and I am thankful I missed that tradition! I love all of their singing and dancing, so it was a blast to do it in celebration of my birthday, and share with them. On Sunday I went to Megan’s house (my wonderful British lady friend, who has 3 kids) and we had a delicious lunch her husband made, topped off with the most delectable chocolate cake, decorated by her own kids! It was so sweet of them to help me celebrate. Her kids made me cards and sang me happy birthday- and of course helped to eat the cake! Then we went to the pool for a bit in the afternoon. Coming from Cleveland, this is definitely the first birthday I have been to the pool and gotten sunburned! I really love going to Megan’s house to be with a family, it is rejuvenating after seeing so much brokenness day after day, so this was perfect. I am thankful for her and all the love she has shown me (and thank you mom, I know you sent her an email… or 2!)

In this 23 year of my life, it is a blessing to be able to look back and see all the people who have given me so much hope, love and life. A big thank you needs to go out to my parents for being so loving and supporting- even when I have no idea what I am doing! And thank you to the rest of you who have and continue to support me, your prayers and love mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it. I send all my love across the ocean to you. Peace and love, christie


  1. Glad you got to celebrate your bday AGAIN!! That Megan is a sweetie! and I'm sure all the kids loved the biscuits! looked like a fun party! LOVE YOU...

  2. Happy Birthday Christie! You are doing amazing things. I'm enjoying your blog and photos. I had not looked since before the holidays. Take care! Marie

  3. How did I miss your birthday? Happy Birthday, Christie!!!

  4. Hi Christie,
    Happy recent birthday! I have been doing a lot of travel, so I don't always check this blog. Glad I did. Thank you for being the wonderful loving hands and feet of Christ to all those you meet and serve and love.
    Your comments about your age made me chuckle, as I think you have done more in your young
    (and I emphasize young) life than most people do in a lifetime!
    I don't really have a lot of wisdom to share but along the way I had heard a saying that reminded me that God is the perfect planner and I should trust His plan. Anyway the saying is,"It has always been my ambition in life to never have any plans of my own." Kind of a funny way of putting it - but thought you might enjoy.
    Have fun with your precious children and remember that you are leaving an indelible mark on each and every one. Bless you. sweetie!
