Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the 2 month mark

This landmark is much different than my 1 month mark for a variety of reasons. I have seen and been though a lot, but now I can truly say I am in love with it here! I am a living testimony that God is faithful to those that trust in him. If I had lost faith in the beginning when it was hard I would not be able to say I love Kenya: the people, culture, the work I am doing, the children, and especially the slum. Everyday that I leave the slum I am usually overwhelmed, frustrated and confused at what I experienced, but everyday that I leave I am so thankful to have been there even though I may not have all the answers. Even in the middle of absolute shock and despair I see hope and I am so grateful to be a part of it. The situations that I am encountering are unlike anything most people will encounter, I am aware of that. But I am also aware that part of my mission here is to expose it to the world and not let it continue in the silence that so much of it is right now.

I love seeing that kids are kids, no matter where you are. These kids just want to play and go to recess like all kids, but the difference is they have to make play a little differently. They use rocks and trash to play with, and are just as joyful as the kids who have toys overflowing from every room. I love seeing that mothers are mothers no matter where you are, always wanting the best for their children. The only difference here is that so many of the mothers I encounter are not educated enough and usually don’t have the resources to help their children. I love seeing high school students study harder than I ever did in my life, with only a far off dream of attending college one day and making a better life.I love seeing the kindness and generosity of people, even when they have nearly nothing to offer me. I am always being welcomed into different homes and offered the little tea or food they can muster up. I love seeing the hope in the eyes of the people I meet, holding onto the idea that they will one day have a better life.

Our lives are so precious and short, and I have really been shown the many blessings that I have in my life in the past 2 months. I consider being here to be one of the bigger blessings in my life, and I am thankful to everyone that has made it possible for me. I have grown in ways I never could have imagined, and my mind has been opened to a world that will be with me forever. I am changed for good, and changed for the better. But it isn't over yet, I am sure there is much more for me to learn this next month, and the months after that.

This weekend the family comes! I am so excited to finally be able to share this beautiful country with them first hand. Sometimes I have such a hard time putting into words what it is like, so hopefully with their first hand encounter they can help me share it with everyone.

I hope ya'll are enjoying the beauty of the fall weather in the good old US of A... oh what I would do for a cup of hot apple cider mmmmm
I love and miss you all, keep me posted on your exciting lives!


  1. You are doing amazing work Christie!! LOVE you for it! xoxox MOM

  2. Christie. I am touched by your writing and know it comes from your heart. You are a special young woman and I send prayers and hugs to you as you journey on with your tenderness and love for all you do. Margy

  3. Christie,
    Keep up the great work! I told your Mom to give you a big hug from me when she gets there, so make sure she does.
    Uncle Walleye

  4. Christie,

    Love catching up with you through your blogs. I cannot wait to talk to your Mom after her visit! Keep up all the great work and continue to smile, you a truely an amazing young woman with so much to give.

    Love, Chris

  5. Hi Christie:
    It's good to know we are all really alike even though our culture is so different. Thank you for noticing and sharing that.
    Your Mom is very excited to see you. Your dad too I'm sure. I was with your mom this AM so I could tell.
    Have a wonderful visit with your family!
    Love, Dianne
    PS: You are proof that God answers our prayers.
