Monday, October 18, 2010

desperate plea...

This weekend we went to visit one of our 10yr old students named Samuel in the hospital. He was admitted in the middle of September and had 4 stomach surgeries. Our social worker went to visit him shortly after and he was in stable condition but very weak. We decided to go back this weekend because we hadn’t heard anything about it. When we arrived we were more than shocked at how his condition had worsened. His knees were pulled up to his chest and he was crying when we walked into room and told us he was so hungry. His uncle followed us into the room and showed us his chart and how he hasn’t been given any nutrients in 1 week. He said the hospital has run out of all forms of IV: fats, sugars and proteins so for the past week so he has only been given water. He looked so frail I didn’t want to touch him. His stomach wound is still open 6 inches and the doctors are worried since it is not healing. I know nothing about medicine but I know he needs nutrients in order for the wound to heal, but he is basically laying in bed slowly dying since they are only giving him water. I don’t understand how a government hospital could completely run out of such a basic nutrient. Samuel has a wonderful uncle who has not left his side at all, but he has a drunk father who doesn’t do much and his mother died. They have no money and our worry was that they knew Samuel’s family situation and that he would not be able to pay the bills so they won’t give him the proper nutrients he needs.

We left on Sunday completely in turmoil about what to do for poor Samuel, not only is he hungry and in pain, but he is bored in bed all day. We decided to come back Monday with books for him to read and hopefully speak with the doctors. He absolutely loved the books and took the pens we brought and started drawing pictures on the back cover. He is an excellent artist. When we met with the nutritionalist she wasn’t even aware he was not being given the food. Neglect. It turns out in the morning they put him on sugar water, so that is better than nothing but when we expressed our deep concern for his wound she agreed and said he needs to be on something more, but they really don’t have anything in stock. Finally she said she can borrow some of the liquid fats from another patient to give him for the time being.

When I asked how we can get the proper nutrients for him she said it is possible to purchase it ourselves and have the hospital give it to him. It costs nearly 3 times more than having the hospital purchase it, but it seems like the only option right now, if we want to save his life. It is absolutely shocking and appalling to me that the hospital cannot provide for Samuel, but it is yet another opportunity for the community to come together and support this child. He is bright and so young and we are desperate to find him help.

Sooo my desperate plea is for you. Please take a moment and consider if you are able to give any type of donation for Samuel. No donation is too small and it will go DIRECTLY to his medicine and healing in the hospital. We are not sure the final costs of this because more operations and surgery is expected, but his family has nothing so it is up to the community to help him. To give you an idea, the fats we put him on today costs $40 and they should last at least a week and will give him much more energy, but that is only ¼ of what he should be taking.

If you are able to donate and help Samuel, please mail a check made out to CHANGE LIVES NOW ASAP to

Jan/Forrest Pommereke CO/ CHANGE LIVES NOW
320 English Oak Rd
Simpsonville, Sc 29681

thank you thank you.

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