Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I ran a 10K for Kenya!

Thank you to all who have donated to my mission so far, I am incredibly grateful for all the support. I am especially thankful for all those who donated in honor of my 10K run! I ran it this past Sunday and it went great, much to my surprise! I have never run that far before, so it was a challenge, but I really enjoy it and made a decent time for my first run: 57 minutes was the final! It was great to have a cause to run for, that kept me going. A very special thank you to Claire Lynott, Claire Doman and Mr. Kist for running with me and encouraging me, I would not have made it without you guys :)
Thank you for your support, the countdown is on: I leave in 7 days. Please keep me in your prayers, and know you are in mine! Keep in touch.
Amani (peace) Christie


  1. Way to go Christie, We'll miss you sweetie! Know you will love it tho! We're very proud of you! xoxo mom and dad

  2. Congratulations on your sub one hour time!

    Have a great trip/semester/experience!

    I'll be reading your blog and praying with you

    Uncle Kevin

  3. God Bless you Cristie! You're doing a good thing.

    Uncle Walleye

  4. Stay safe and we will pray for you and the kiddies!
    Love, Dianne & Art Smyth

  5. Christie -

    Wow Firestone, a 10-K, and Kenya all in one month. So the REAL reason you are off to Kenya is to train with them - so you are already thinking/dreaming of the '12 Olympics in London? Have a great missionary trip, stay safe. You are a hero to all of us

    Jim Armstrong
