Monday, August 16, 2010

Kwaheri (good bye) America!

Today is the big day! This day is important for many of friends, know that I am thinking and praying for you as you begin new journeys!
I have my 80 lbs of luggage packed, said many good bye's and prepared a pretty awesome reading list for the next 4 months! All that is left is spending 16 hours on 3 different planes and 11 hours of layovers and I will be in Kenya. It has been an incredibly journey until now preparing for this time. I am so thankful to bring each of you with me over there, knowing I am not in this alone.

There are definitely nerves that come with such a journey, but I was reminded in the gospel just yesterday that "if you wish to be perfect, go and sell what you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then come, follow me" Matthew 19: 21. Each of us are called to give up our comforts and live only for God through his perfect love. That is not the easiest lesson to follow, but I trust that as I leave behind many beautiful people and things that I love and have become comfortable with, God will work through me and in me to bring his love to the people I encounter. I pray that we are all able to slowly give up everything we are attached to and know that all we need is to follow God each moment.
I look forward to hearing from ya'll!
Peace and Love, Christie


  1. Christie,May you have a safe and very rewarding journey. I will check your blog to see how things are going. Take care.
    Love, Chris (Mrs Ferris)

  2. My Dear Christie,
    Well, you are off. We miss you already. I hope by now you have had your fill of chipati. Eat away away my friend.Kim says "You are a fart factory." But she means it in the best way. Remember to bring me home a giraffe. And Zeph asks for a small monkey.
    All our love and prayers. Auntie Griswald
