Monday, September 27, 2010

A Boring American

As difficult as it is sometimes to communicate with, I do enjoy the people I am working with on my projects in the slum. We have some funny conversations about America and life here. The guys, specifically, that I work with are all around my age or a couple years older. They are nice guys, I enjoy their company, and they are always inviting me out and wanting me to see Nairobi through their eyes. I always politely decline their invitations and they are beginning to get frustrated with me. Unfortunately they don’t understand the caution I have to take when I go out anywhere and I don’t think the places they are specifically going are best for me as a white woman! On Friday when I was riding back to the orphanage with one of the workers, he was giving me a hard time because I wouldn’t go out to the bars with him and his friends. He tried convincing me that I am a boring American and that all other Americans are way more fun and adventurous than I am (which could very well be the case). However, his only experience with white people, especially Americans is through Hollywood movies and he (like most Kenyans) sincerely think America is the way it is portrayed in movies. Thank you Hollywood. I unfortunately had to break him the news that is not the case at all but he didn’t buy it. He is quite convinced that I am a boring American, but I am ok with that!

In fact, this weekend I was not boring at all! I went out both Friday and Saturday night and I spent time with other Mzungu’s, in safe environments! I went to a cafĂ© in a very nice and developed mall on Saturday afternoon that was having a social for anyone (mostly westerners) that is new to the area and wants to meet other people. There were about 30 people from all over Europe, South Africa and the States meeting, eating and drinking! They ranged in all ages and very different professions. I enjoyed time away to talk to other people, and I really enjoyed the pizza that I got to eat ( I have been craving it so badly!)! It is a really great community and way to meet people, especially if I were going to be here longer and wanted to find people. I found it a little bit difficult to be there and explain what my mission here is since most of them were business or government oriented people, but I made a couple of contacts that I hope to look into for further support. It reminded me that when I go home many people will not understand what I have done either, so I need to know how to adjust to those situations.

Another excitement of my weekend was grocery shopping! I know I keep talking about food, but I am pretty excited about 2 of my recent finds. I bought oranges for 10 cents each, which are always a great snack to quench my sweet tooth and avocado’s as big as my 2 fists for 20 cents each! I am pretty excited to make sandwiches and guacamole; it might replace my peanut butter for a couple weeks!

I hope you all are enjoying the fall weather, I totally forgot it was fall until someone reminded me. I wish I could see the leaves changing! It is getting hotter here... lot's of sun right on the Equator!
Much love to you! Christie

1 comment:

  1. GLAD you are boring/cautious!! Good you got out too! you sound pretty happy!! and that makes US happy too!!! xoxo Keep up the wonderful work! xoxo MOM
