Sunday, September 19, 2010

1 month...

This weekend marks the 1 month point of me being in Kenya. One month doesn't sound like that much time, but to be honest with you, it has seemed like a very long time for me. Even though I have been to Kenya 3 times before I am still adjusting to the new culture and life here. It is lonelier than I expected to be the only American among so many beautiful Africans because of the culture and language barriers. Even though most everybody speaks English there is such a difference in the dialect that I doubt the majority of people understand what I say to them—I have learned to accept the polite nod and smile on many occasions! There are days where I literally cannot have conversations with people about anything more than food and weather.

I am learning so much about myself and so much about our good and loving God through this time of being alone. When I have nobody to talk to or be with that is exactly when God is there wanting to be with me and show me his love. For example: last night I was in a moment of feeling lonely and missing home a whole lot. Our electricity was out so I couldn’t read or do anything to get my mind off of it, but I heard some kids outside. So I went out to see what fun they were creating and an 18 yr old girl named Nancy approached me. I didn’t say 3 words to her before she spilled her entire life story to me. Thank God we were in the darkness of the night because her story had me spilling enough tears to water the entire neighborhood. I listened to her openly share one tragedy of abandonment, abuse, terror and loneliness after another, but share it with confidence in the hope and love she has for God. She never once doubted that God was with her when her parents left her on the streets alone, or when she was the victim of abuse. She has suffered more in the last 10 years than I can ever imagine, yet she has way more hope and joy than I can claim to have. In those moments I was taken outside of myself and shown how beautiful a person can be when they have such faith in God, not only during the good times but also through the hard times.

I came over here with very few expectations of what it would be like, and I was honest with many of you saying I had NOOO idea what I was getting myself into. And in many ways I am still figuring out what I am getting myself into! I know that I am supposed to be here, and that there is a mission for me each moment of the day and I have to seek out the purpose God has for me. Some days it is clearer than others, but it all a part of the journey. Practically speaking, I am learning so much about how organizations run, the need and poverty in this area and the dependence that so many people have on the generosity of the American people.

Most recently, I am learning how to perfect the art of a bucket shower! This new place where I am does not have a shower, but they have a lovely bucket for me to use! I cannot report great success quite yet (in fact I avoid showering at all costs!) so if you have any suggestions I would gladly accept them!

After a month, I am increasingly grateful for all of your support and prayers. I am living on the generosity of each of you and I know this time is more valuable to me than I know right now. The lessons I am learning about myself and life will surely be with me forever. Asante Sana (Thank you very much!)
All my love christie


  1. Christie! Thank you for sharing everything that you have. It makes me stop here and think of just how fortunate I am. Keep up the amazing work and you are in my prayers! Love Mandy Jo Jo Jo

  2. Christie dear, you are doing such good work! Better than what I could do! Keep it up.. you are in my prayers!!! LOVE YOU! MOM

  3. Hi Christie:
    It sounds like you are in a "desert place!" Your spirit is so mature to know that God is right there ready and eager to be with you when you are away from those you can communicate with more easily. I think about where I was right out of school (where I am now!) and marvel at how you get it! Don't feel down if the families don't make the healthy choices. You are doing your job! I will continue to pray for you. I ask that you pray for me that I will get the chance to be in that desert place with God! It is so easy to be distracted by family, friends, technology, etc. Pace yourself. You are doing good work.
    Love, Dianne Smyth

  4. Christie,
    Hang in there! We are praying for you. You are there for a reason and only God knows what that reason is.
    God Bless You,
    Uncle Walleye
